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April 05, 2002
Bush takes Blair for ride on John Deere 1

By Will Rogers
from the down-home-on-the-farm dept.

CRAWFORD, Texas (JNS) _ President Bush rolled out the red carpet for British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Saturday, taking him for a ride on John Deere 1.
After meeting with his protocol advisers, Bush decided against a tour of his ranch in Pickup 1.

``Although it’s only a one-seater, we thought it would provide more of the authentic ranch experience,’’ White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said.

Unlike the current military campaign in Afghanistan, Bush and Blair took turns driving the tractor with the other standing on the sideboard.

Bush had proposed plowing under the back 40 acres he had recently purchased from the neighboring I-Rack ranch, but Blair has objected, saying their schedule is already too tight.

``While we realize this is a job that must be taken care of, this is not the right time, considering the pressing issues in Israel and Palestine,’’ Blair said.

Posted by Alex at April 05, 2002 11:29 AM
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