from the shorn-scalp dept.
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (JNS) _ Hundreds of teen-agers descend on this otherwise sleepy state capital each June, shaving their heads and donning strange clothes as part of an annual ritual, sources say.
The recruits talk of four hard years of preparation before they will board `ships' for foreign lands. Others say they hope to fly smaller craft into space, and many readily admit they may be killed, but act unconcerned about that prospect. Their parents in many cases willingly bring them to the walled compound.
The June induction of the teens, known as `plebes,' is an annual recruiting event for the group, known to its members as `The Navy,' sources say.
Members have been responsible for thousands, if not millions of deaths, at home and abroad, and its influence reaches into the highest levels of power.
Former president Jimmy Carter and independent presidential candidate Ross Perot rank among its members, JNS has learned.
"The Navy is one of the largest military organizations in the world, and has an immense budget and facilities worldwide, a source told JNS.
In addition to their training, recruits also engage in unusual activities such as climbing a greased, stone phallic symbol to retrieve a hat place at its top by more senior members of the group.
Despite its history, members of the community act unaware, or unconcerned about the activities of the youths behind the walls of the compound they call "The Academy."
The leader of the group is a shadowy figure most have not met and few could recognize, but who is followed blindly. The leader, known mostly as "The Admiral," answers in turn to another called "The President," but many speak disdainfully of him, calling him "Billary," sources say.
Despite often derogatory remarks, the president often speaks highly of the group, perhaps out of fear, calling its members brave and loyal defenders of the country. These accolades aside, one deposed president once spoke out against the cult, which he described as part of a larger military industrial complex.
Others say the cult is a drain on national resources which could be better used elsewhere, and needs to be constantly watched.
"Remember, absolute power corrupts absolutely," a source told JNS.
Posted by Alex at April 09, 2000 02:35 AM